Thursday, April 12, 2012

Anything goes I suppose

Seriously, this blog title was not meant to rhyme. My last entry on this VERY public diary platform is 3 years ago next month, so I'm rusty - not that any of my past posts were any good. For some, writing comes naturally, for others (myself included) writing is somewhat of a struggle. The unecessary use of synonoums (right click is my friend!), the endless spelling errors, (thank God for spell check!)the countless grammatical errors, punctuation errors and not to mention not using words in the correct context. Wait... Uhm... is that grammar? <---- ignore that last part. English is a difficult language, where something doesn't have to sound right in order to it to be right. When it does sound right, is it right? Is correct the correct word to use instead of right in both former sentences? What is proper in English?

I actually just wrote two more paragraphs about the English language (that was clearly deleted) which was completely pointless as I am digressing from making my point. So, point being:
I love writing, but writing for myslef, on my terms without being corrected to use proper punctuation, grammar or spelling! If you happen to read this DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES CORRECT ME!


Ps. Roald Dhal and Dr Seuss are brilliant. They provide limitless made-up words that have been included in children's literature! Now that's awesome use of English!